Chairside; technology that is used directly in the office.
Economical; the procedure is economical for the patient and dentist,
Restorations; restoring the tooth to its original state of natural beauty
Ceramic; as the material used for restoration are highly resistant biocompatible ceramics (porcelain) that is closest to the natural tooth structure.

Give yourself a new smile with ceramic veneers or crowns in just one morning!

This technology allows dental restoration of damaged teeth, crowns set (sheet), removal of bad amalgam and composite restorations and placement of esthetic veneer in just one visit to the dental office. Allows you to have the highest quality and aesthetic closest retauraciju in just one visit to the dentist.
CEREC system was developed in 1985 at Zurich University in Switzerland and is the work of Dr. H. Werner and Dr. Marcus Moermann Brandistinia. At the heart of the system is an innovative technology which consists of:

CEREC acquisition units
It consists of a computer medical standards and the CEREC camera. Your dentist, instead of taking the usual mass fingerprint with the impression of a spoon, using a digital camera takes a snapshot of stuffed teeth. This means no impression and spoon out a mass that often causes vomiting. CEREC 3D software converts the digital image trodimanzionalni virtual model of the planned restoration of your tooth. The program assists the dentist in the design of all forms of restoration needed to rebuild your teeth.

CEREC milling unit

After planning the necessary dental restorations, determines the color of teeth and select the size and color of the ceramic block is placed in the milling unit. With the help of data acquisition units, units for milling with two diamond drill from a solid block of ceramic restorations make the required shape. This process usually takes 8-18 minutes, depending on the size and shape of the required restoration. Finished restorations are polished or in a ceramic oven adds a layer of glaze

With CEREC technology, your dentist can restore teeth biocompatible material with excellent characteristics which far surpass all the materials used in just one visit. The renewal of your oral health CEREC technology represents the best choice.
Dr. Perkovic opinion leader in Croatia for Ivoclar Vivadent materials (ceramics) and the Sirona CEREC technology. Member of the ISCD (International Society of Computerized Dentistry) and the only coach to cetrificirani CEREC technology in the RC region and countries: its answer. He regularly speaks at conferences and training dental colleagues to use CEREC technology at home and abroad.

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